Thursday 29 December 2011

F.B. Purity Web Browser Add-On Fixes White Space When Using Internet Explorer 7 User-Agent Trick to Hide Facebook Timeline Page Layout

F.B. Purity

Hello everyone.

Well, that has to be the longest title that I have ever assigned to a blog post. :)

I just wanted to let you know that I just found out that Steve has released a new version of his popular web browser add-on called F.B. Purity.

If you go to, you will discover that one of the new features that Steve has incorporated into version 6.4.1 is a formatting tweak which fixes the large white space that appears at the top of your Facebook page when you set your web browser to be identified as Internet Explorer 7, in order to hide the Timeline page layout. If you don't know what I am talking about, please refer to my blog post at

While I personally had stopped using F.B. Purity some time ago, I just installed it again in order to get rid of the aforementioned large white space at the top of my Facebook page. It does work as claimed, and I can now see my Facebook page properly using the original Facebook page layout, and not the confusing and unorganized Timeline page layout.

Let me clarify here that the tweak that Steve made to F.B. Purity does not remove, delete, or even hide the Timeline page layout. All it does is get rid of the white space at the top. In other words, in order to hide the Timeline page layout, you still need to follow the steps that I outline in the aforementioned blog post, and then install the F.B. Purity add-on for your particular web browser, in order to get rid of the white space at the top of the page.

As I have stated before, currently, there is no known actual way to really get rid of the Timeline page layout. All you can do is hide it by changing your user-agent to Internet Explorer 7 -- see the aforementioned blog post -- and then use F.B. Purity to fix the page layout. This strategy works for both Macintosh and Windows computers, and perhaps for other platforms as well.

Let me also remind you again that this web browser tweak with the user-agent -- and Steve's tweak to F.B. Purity -- is more than likely only a temporary fix. Sooner or later, the code gurus at Facebook will probably find a way to neutralize this fix, so that we are all forced to use and see Timeline, whether we like it or not. However, if push comes to shove, and Facebook pushes too hard, they may just find a lot of people jumping ship. Time will tell. Myself? It's a hard call to make at this time, because like many of you, I have a lot of time and energy invested into Facebook.

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