Wednesday 22 February 2012

Google Glasses -- Is the "Surrogates" Movie Slowly Becoming a Reality?

Occasionally, I enjoy watching movies that convey a strong message to society. Director Jonathan Mostow's 2009 movie "Surrogates" starring Bruce Willis, Radha Mitchell and Ving Rhames is certainly one of them. If you have never seen this movie, I highly recommend that you do. Trust me; by the end of the movie, you will certainly get the point. I dare not say more, lest I spoil it for someone who hasn't seen it yet.

At any rate, anyone who keeps abreast of technological developments is no doubt aware of the fact that with each passing year, many of us become even more deeply embedded in -- and dependent upon -- computer technology, and it doesn't appear that there will be an end to this trend.

Well, it seems that Google is intent on helping many people to take the next technological leap towards the union of human and machine. It seems that what until now has only been possible in science fiction movies, will soon become reality for those people who can afford it.

As the link below explains, later this year, Google will be introducing Google Glasses to the public, and it probably won't be long after that before Apple will also introduce miniature computers which one can wear around his or her wrist. Then, of course, there are also computers embedded in clothing.

It has often been said that what is envisioned by science fiction writers, quite often becomes reality with time. Fifty years ago, who would have believed that we would live in such a technologically-dependent world as we do today?

And the future? Good question. The Bible seems to offer some interesting -- if not alarming -- possibilities. You can learn more about this by visiting the Endtime Prophecy Net home page at the following URL:

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