Friday 24 April 2015

Going Down the Genetic Slippery Slope

Given the nature of human curiosity, and particularly the nature of scientific curiosity, as this New York Times article notes, it was only a matter of time -- and in fact long-anticipated -- that this day would arrive. In fact, I wouldn"t be the least surprised to learn that these types of gene-altering experiments have been attempted before now, but were simply hushed up and kept under wraps.

Regardless, with this public revelation, it is now evident that men of modern science have taken another step down the slippery slope of science and technology, and it is dreadful to consider where this may eventually lead humanity, if not eventually -- decades from now -- to a government-controlled, eugenic society, as envisioned by individuals as diverse as Aldous Huxley -- author of the 1930"s classic "Brave New World" -- and Adolf Hitler, who was obsessed with creating a German "super race".

You"ve heard it before, but I will say it again. Tampering with the human genome is very dangerous business. It is playing "God". God set genetic boundaries in the Book of Genesis for a reason. He knew what He was doing. Man, with his limited knowledge, does not. While it is great that some scientists and ethicists are sounding the alarm, we should all be concerned that not everyone, and not all nations, will take heed. Greed, monetary gain, lust for power and ego are powerful motivators, as they have always been.

An experiment long dreaded by many researchers, with the goal of eradicating disease genes, failed in the ways that had been feared.

Source: Chinese Scientists Edit Genes of Human Embryos, Raising Concerns -

Going Down the Genetic Slippery Slope

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