Friday 26 June 2015

U.S. Supreme Court Legalizes Same-Sex "Marriage" Nationwide

As many of us have been anticipating, and as a lot of my Christian friends will already know by now, on Friday, June 26th, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of legalized same-sex "marriage" nationwide, thus making it a civil right for all Americans. Following is a CNN link for those of you who may be interested in reading it:

As I have mentioned before, given the percentage of American states which already recognize legalized same-sex "marriage" -- an outcome which quite often resulted from overruling the will of the people via the courts --  this tragic outcome in the highest court of the land seemed inevitable, in my opinion. I also view it as a bit cowardly, because it seems that the Supreme Court justices purposely waited until a majority of the states legalized same-sex "marriage" before they decided to make their ruling.

From a Bible-based, Christian perspective, it is indeed a very sad day for the U.S.A. I have said it before, and I will say it again. Legalizing same-sex "marriage" is poking God in the eye, and blatantly defying His holy Laws, as found in the Bible; and sooner or later, America will have to pay for her sins, as will the rest of the world as well.

For those of you who are interested in understanding why I believe as I do, and why I personally strongly reject same-sex "marriage", I encourage you to read the following resources which are found on the Endtime Prophecy Net website:

Article: "The Gay and Lesbian Agenda: To the Point!"

Article: "When Sin is No Longer a Sin"

Article: "Queen James Bible: Blasphemous Abomination Exposed!"

"Homosexuality Lesbianism Bestiality Transvestitism" KJV Bible Verse List

"Our Sins Won"t Remain Hidden" KJV Bible Verse List

"God"s Desire for Healing and Repentance" KJV Bible Verse List

May God have mercy on us all!

U.S. Supreme Court Legalizes Same-Sex "Marriage" Nationwide

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