Saturday 17 February 2018

FBI -- They Dropped the Ball Again!

Graphic created by Bill Kochman. Visit my blog at to see all of my graphics, along with related Bible study resources, all in one place. Thanks!

Let"s just pass the buck! Isn"t that what they always do when they mess up? Nobody wants to accept responsibility for their failures, so let"s just pass the blame and the guilt down the line. In this case, notice the very last line of this news article. The audacity of this man made my jaw drop. It says the following:

“At the end of day,” Sheriff Israel said, “make no mistake about it, America, the only one to blame for this killing is the killer himself.”

The only one to blame? I don"t think so! Yes, Nikolas Cruz was the killer, so we are told, and he will be punished for his heinous crime. But all of the people and agencies who failed to stop him in time before he did what he did are to blame as well. So why don"t you all man up!

F.B.I. Was Warned of Florida Suspect’s Desire to Kill but Did Not Act

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