Saturday 25 July 2015

Modern Technology Graphic 05


For all of my younger friends, FYI, we only had AM radio when I was a young boy. There was no FM radio yet. That didn"t arrive until I was a teenager.

In fact, unless I am mistaken, the first AM station to go on the air was KDKA in my hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The first FM station in town was an "underground" rock "n" roll station called WDVE. As young teenagers, we thought it was so cool as we listened to "underground" music, as we stared at our psychedelic wall posters under our "black light".

Likewise, we only had black and white television sets. Again, color television didn"t arrive until I was a young teenager. In fact, if I recall correctly, we watched the original "Star Trek" series in black and white.

Personal computers? Ha! We had cassette tape recorders and manual typewriters. When we got our first electric typewriter in typing class in high school, it was a BIG thing!

There were no CD players when I was a kid.

Apple Computer, Inc. did not even introduce its first Macintosh computer until 13 years AFTER I graduated from high school.

You kids are so spoiled on modern tech today. You would absolutely die without it!

But WATCH OUT where you are going with it. Right now, they just want to put it in things that you wear, such as in your clothes, watches, glasses, etc. But someday soon, they will want to put it INSIDE OF YOU! In fact, it has ALREADY begun to happen in certain countries, and even in certain individuals in the USA, such as soldiers, high government figures, etc.

Article: "Precursors to the 666 and the Mark of the Beast"

Modern Technology Graphic 05

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