Tuesday 26 June 2018

Bill"s Bible Basics YouTube Channel

Dear friends, as many of you will know, I am a very private person. I like to take the back seat, so that God gets the glory, and so that my friends concentrate on the Scriptural truth that I share via my articles and series, my graphics, my poetry, my KJV Bible Verse Lists, etc. In other words, I don"t want my flesh to get in the way. I want my friends to keep their eyes on the Lord, and not place them on the man, meaning me.

To be honest, I really worry about man worship, because we have all seen this happen with so many popular preachers over the years. Weak people begin to idolize them, and cling to their every word, even when their words and doctrines are no longer Biblically sound. So this is why for a long time now, I have always preferred to remain behind the scenes. I simply don"t want that to happen to me.

Yet, at the same time, I have realized for a long time now that web portals such as YouTube have a lot of potential when it comes to sharing the Gospel. In fact, I opened a YouTube account quite a while back, but I never used it for anything, until now. So, with this new YouTube channel, I am coming out of my shell, and I am trying out something new in order to see how it goes. I want to see if it will be fruitful. I just hope that I am not making a mistake. :)

For those of you who may be interested, I have just uploaded my first, short introductory video to my YouTube channel. Please have a look, and indicate if you think I should continue it by giving it a thumbs up, and by leaving a comment below the video.

Please note that you may have to turn up your volume a bit. I recorded the video on my iPhone using the YouTube app. The quality of the video is actually pretty good. Below is the URL for the video:


God bless you, and thank you so much! I hope to see you there!

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