Sunday 30 April 2023

Please Don't Just Be a Lurker!

Please Don't Just Be a Lurker! It is a given that the vast majority of people who participate on social networks are lurkers. They rarely -- if ever -- like or share posts that they enjoy. Even fewer are those people who take the time to actually comment on a post. Most folks just silently browse posts in the background, never making their presence known through the aforementioned actions. However, while it may not be their intention, their lack of participation may actually discourage the person who has worked so hard to create, publish and distribute the posts. The truth is that the OP -- original poster -- may even think that his or her hard work for the Lord is having little to no effect on the lives of others. This may lead them to eventually give up, and stop posting altogether. What a shame this would be. So if you don't want this to happen, please be considerate by occasionally liking, posting and commenting on posts that you particularly enjoy. Thanks so much! As we read in the Epistle to the Hebrews: "But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased." Hebrews 13:16, KJV And, by the way, have you joined the Christian Social Network yet? If not, you can do so at the URL below. Free yourself from the tyranny and discrimination of the liberal social networks today! Or, if you are an iPhone® user, you can download the CSNet app for your phone from the App Store®. Simply launch the App Store app on your iPhone, and then search for "csnet". The app icon with the Bible and Cross with the blue background is it! You can likewise download our CSNet app for your Android phone as well by visiting Google's Play Store on your phone. iPhone® and App Store® are trademarks of Apple Inc.

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